2009년 2월 9일 월요일

[South Korea Gyeonggi-do] Imjingak Pyeonghwa-nuri

[South Korea Gyeonggi-do]
The peace symbol that became a cultural propagator
Imjingak Pyeonghwa-nuri

Imjingak is a tragic location that symbolizes the realities of the divided Koreas. It is the place that refugees devastated at the severed Gyeongui Line frequently visit. It is also a military strategic point. Parks and structures have been constructed as part of the Global Peace Festival sponsored by Gyeonggi Province in 2005. The park constructed at the time is Pyeonghwa-nuri. In constructing Pyeonghwa-nuri, the construction ideology of Min Hyeon-sik had been displayed at its fullest of 100%, who insisted on abstracting the ground appearance, not just simply building a house on top of the ground. The aesthetics expressed with the beautiful hydroponics area and terrain was reconstructed along the movement of the ground. Pyeonghwa-nuri has been actively attracting cultural events after deciding to introduce diverse cultural performance programs since May of 2008. A high-quality performance is held every Sunday, with various genres of movies on screen on weekdays. The cold atmosphere that blew over Imjingak, the frustrated ground with only 7km before the Military Demarcation Line, made us pray for peace. It now propagates our culture. A small amusement park, the Peace Land, DMZ Camp, and the Gyeonggi Peace Center lie close to the location. Find out about annual event schedules at the following homepage.

1. One must cross the bridge to get to ‘Café Annyeong,’ which floats on the water. Enjoy the compactness flowing forth from the simple gable roof.

2. Image of Yeoulteo, the outdoor stage. Wild ducks (Anas Platyrhynchos) live near the stage built above the water. Save a spot anywhere on the grass hill and it becomes your seat. There are concerts all the year round.
3. Colorful pinwheels driven into the Pinwheel Hill.

the source - http://eng.gg.go.kr/

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