2009년 2월 9일 월요일

[South Korea Gyeonggi-do] Weolhwawon

[South Korea Gyeonggi-do]
A replica of the traditional garden in Guangdong Province, China

Wallhwawon is situated in the 6000㎡ of land in Hyowon Park, which is in Ingye-dong, Paldal-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi Province. Approximately 80 Chinese technicians worked to complete the structure, which makes it true to itself in showing the traditional Chinese construction beauty. Wallhwawon was developed according to private garden styles from the late Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty. Designed for harmony between the construction space and garden space, visitors can appreciate the nature’s beauty of China’s Guangdong Province along with garden characteristics of Yongnam Province while walking. The structures were mainly built using bricks and wood according to the construction style of Guangdong Province. Heol-san-kwon-boong, which means that ‘mountain rests and one rolls up the towers,’ is a form of bending at the roof once, and rolling up the edge areas. As for the garden space built according to traditional garden creation methods of Guangdong Province, ponds were artificially dug out, and that soil was used to create mountains. The Jeungyeonjeong situated on the peak of the mountain is easily viewable from all parts of the garden, with two floors of roof. The two layers of roof format symbolize diverse applied fine arts of the construction style of Yongnam Province. It also plays the role of the center of Hyowon Park and Weolhwawon, containing many meanings within its structure. Contact 031-228-2412

1 Weolhwawon is the traditional Chinese Garden completed by Chinese professionals.

Buyongjeong, floating on the pond, is a space of reception and tea.

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The roof shaped towards the sky displays ‘Heol-san-kwon-bung,’ a traditional Chinese construction method.

the source - http://eng.gg.go.kr/

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지도박물관 : 031-210-2667 수원시 영통구 월드컵길 587 (원천동 111번지) http://museum.ngii.go.kr/en/index.jsp

수원화성 : 031-251-4435 수원시 팔달구 인계동 , 장안구, 권선구 일원 http://ehs.suwon.ne.kr/

화성행궁 : 031-228-4410 ~ 2 수원시 팔달구 신풍동 258-1 http://ehs.suwon.ne.kr/

경기도국악당 : 031-289-6400 용인시 기흥구 보라동 312 http://www.ggad.or.kr/eng/index.htm

왕과나 세트장 : 031-241-6268 수원시 장안구 영화동 152-2

수원시티투어버스 : 031-256-8300 수원역 4번출구 수원관광안내소 출발 http://www.suwoncitytour.co.kr/en/

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